Course syllabus autumn 2013
Course syllabus autumn 2013
Teaching for Sustainability
Swedish title
Teaching for Sustainability
Course code
15 credits
Grading scale
UA / Excellent (A), Very Good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Pass (E) or Fail (U)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Education and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
General entry requirements + English B.
Merit rating is calculated based on Swedish upper secondary grades achieved, according to specific entry requirement 6/A6.
Basic level
No main field.
Progression level
Progression level in relation to degree requirements
Single subject course
Course objectives
The objective is to contribute to improving teaching competence in the area of education for sustainable development (ESD). The students should develop their awareness and knowledge of global and local challenges in the area of sustainable development and their teaching skills.
Course contents
The course will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, project work, study visits and a home assignment. Group works will be organised thematically. These themes will focus on global and local challenges in the area of sustainable development, using Sweden or the partcipants´ respective home countries as an example. In the themes the students will work to improve their own knowledge about their ability to teach the topic. The themes will be studied from different dimensions of sustainable development, e.g. the cultural, ecological, economic and social dimension.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student will be able to:
- describe what effect humans have upon their environment
- make preparations for and carry out ESD in classroom situations
- actively discuss the scope of environmental problems, challengers in sustainable development and education for sustainable development (ESD) in Sweden and in the participants´ respective home countries
- describe and discuss the impact of Agenda 21 and the Decade on ESD on education worldwide
- analyse and reflect on her/his knowledge and skills in teaching about the environment and ESD so that young people can grow up with a faith in the future, and the will and ability to work for a sustainable world
Learning activities
The educational approach is learning by doing and the course requires active participation in lectures, workshops, project work, study visits, literature seminar, as well as individual preparation through reading of literature. The students have liberty to influence the teaching and learning methods used in certain assignments. The main group work will be problem oriented and interdisciplinary. Tutoring and computer support is available.
The main criterion for passing the course is that the students can demonstrate an understanding of the theories, concepts and perspectives on ESD orally and in writing.
Learning outcome 1 is assessed individually in a literature seminar, Learning outcome 2 is assessed in a student-conducted workshop. Learning outcome 3, 4 and 5 are assessed in an individual home assignment.
Attendance to most course components during the first six weeks of the course is compulsory, as the students learning activities will be assessed continuously and the student will work up the received experience and knowledge in the home assignment.
Course literature and other study material
The bibliography consists of a few mandatory books. The student will choose the remaining literature in connection to the project work and the home assignment. Furthermore, articles from popular scientific and scientific international journals and the Internet will be included.
Brown, Lester R. (2011) World on the edge. How to prevent environmental and economic collapse. Earth Policy Institute. Available as pdf at
Sandell, Klas, Öhman, Johan and Östman, Leif (2005) Education for Sustainable Development. Nature, School and Democracy. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (pp. 79-235)
Liepina Inese och Jutvik Gitte (200x), Education for change. A handbook for teaching and learning sustainable development ISBN 978-91-86189-01-3 (72 pp.) Available as pdf.
Course evaluation
Evaluation is an integral part of the course and takes place on two separate occasions: mid-course and at the end of the course. A final written individual evaluation based on the learning outcomes is done at the end of the course. The results of the course evaluation is summarised and made available in a report to be used as a basis for future courses.