Course syllabus spring 2014
Course syllabus spring 2014
New Media, ICT and Development
Swedish title
New Media, ICT and Development
Course code
7.5 credits
Grading scale
UA / Excellent (A), Very Good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Pass (E) or Fail (U)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Culture and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
1. Degree of Bachelor or equivalent.
2. The equivalent of English course B in Swedish secondary school.
Advanced level
Main field
Communication for Development
Progression level
Progression level in relation to degree requirements
The course is an elective part of the Communication for Development Master Program.
Course contents
This course addresses the diverse scholarship surrounding Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The exercise here is to problemize the impact of ICTs in shaping the strategic dream of equitable and sustainable access to empower the marginalised. The course proposes the application of new media literature to study the shaping of and through ICTs. Information systems, organisation systems, the techno social body, and digital social movements are some of the phenomena studied. It is expected that the student gain a rich vocabulary with which to discuss the changes in the field.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student shall demonstrate:
- a deepened understanding of the role of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Globalization, and the significance of the digital revolution in a global perspective, with special regard to governance and civic participation,
- a specific knowledge of the potential for ‘informatization’ as a development strategy, and for using ICTs (information and communication technologies) in international development cooperation, and
- demonstrate an understanding of how new media and ICTs are analysed and theorised in media and communication studies.
After completing the course, the student shall demonstrate:
- the ability to do advanced information retrieval on the Internet,
- the ability to critically review literature on new media and social change,
- the ability to present his/her academic work in written, oral and some other relevant form.
After completing the course, the student shall demonstrate:
- a critical understanding of media literacy,
- the ability to problematise the impact of new media and ICTs, and
- the ability to critically reflect upon the role of ICT and new media in specific development/social change contexts, with societal, cultural and ethical aspects taken into consideration.
Learning activities
The course is given as distance learning with two week-end seminars. A collaborative pedagogy is applied, based on the productive use of group dynamics through peer reviewing and other forms of interactive communication on the Internet. The seminars at Malmö University are compulsory. They are broadcast via streaming video and can be followed online by those international students who are not able to attend in person.
Assessment is carried out in two integrated written assignments. One carried out in pairs, the other individually. Collaborative group work and peer-review form part of the assessment.
Course literature and other study material
Cammaerts, B. and Carpentier, N. (eds) (2007) Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles. Intellect: Bristol, UK. (An up-to-date coverage on media, democracy and civil rights. Chapter 9: Activism and the Media, pg. 217-224, Chapter 11: Civil Society Media at the WSIS, pg. 243-264. Available as electronic resource at Malmö University Library Catalogue)
Lievrouw, Leah (2011) Alternative and Activist New Media. Oxford: Polity Press.
Lists of further recommended and additional reading for the module are listed under the course site.
Course evaluation
An anonymous electronic course evaluation is made at the end of the course. The electronic evaluation is accessible for all students.
Additional information
Access to computer with Internet connection (broadband) is required.