Course syllabus autumn 2014
Course syllabus autumn 2014
Design and social innovation
Swedish title
Design and social innovation
Course code
15 credits
Grading scale
UG / Fail (U) or Pass (G)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Culture and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
Introduction to multidisciplinary interaction design, Embodied interaction, Collaborative media, Individual project.
Advanced level
Main field
Interaction Design
Progression level
Progression level in relation to degree requirements
The course can normally be included as part of a general degree at advanced level.
Course objectives
The course is focused on social innovation, and specifically on the role of interaction design and interaction designers in social innovation. Moreover, there is an element of academic proficiency training in the course, as manifested in the use of the academic literature and an introductory focus on academic research methodology.
Course contents
The course covers topical areas in interaction design for social innovation including concepts such as creative communities, collaborative services, collaborative consumption, sustainability (ecological, social and economical), resilience, “new economics”, designing networks (collaborative innovation), policy and governance.
On the level of methodology, the course concentrates on holistic and intervention-based design methods on the community level, including service design, participatory design (including things, agonistic space and infrastructuring), participatory innovation, living labs and transformation design. More specific design techniques include enactment, readymade experimentation and bricolage.
Learning outcomes
In order to increase precision, the generic types of outcomes are mapped to interaction design as follows.
Knowledge and understanding – Repertoire and theory (canonical designs, important design elements and important theoretical concepts)
Competence and skills – Skills and technique (including design approach)
Judgment and approach – Reflection and criticism.
Repertoire and theory
1. Building a repertoire of important interaction design elements and approaches within social innovation.
2. Developing familiarity with key concepts and theories on social innovation.
Skills and techniques
3. Displaying ability to execute interaction design techniques suitable for social innovation.
4. Displaying some ability to choose and execute empirically oriented research methods, including qualitative observation and participatory intervention.
Reflection and criticism
5. Displaying ability to apply holistic perspectives to interaction design.
6. Displaying ability to understand and draw insights from academic knowledge communication.
7. Displaying some ability to observe and assess research methodology.
Learning activities
Design projects in multidisciplinary teams on pertinent topics within interaction design for social innovation, involving relevant constituencies and communities as appropriate. Plenary seminars on selected literature and plenary reflection seminars on interventions and outcomes.
Learning activities are further specified in a detailed Course Guide.
Learning outcomes related to interaction design for social innovation (1–3, 5) are assessed in oral group examinations (studio crits). The learning outcomes having to do with academic proficiency (4, 6–7) are assessed in seminars.
Course literature and other study material
Course evaluation
Plenary discussion and individual written evaluation, focusing on the learning outcomes and the means for achieving them (learning activities, resources, course organization etc.).