Course syllabus spring 2020
Course syllabus spring 2020
Sport Sciences: Two-Year Master’s Thesis
Swedish title
Sport Sciences: Two-Year Master’s Thesis
Course code
30 credits
Grading scale
UA / Excellent (A), Very Good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Pass (E) or Fail (U)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Education and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
Prerequisite course for this course is: IV609G Scientific Methods and Analysis
Advanced level
Main field
Sport Sciences
Progression level
Course objectives
The aim of the course is for the student to develop in-depth knowledge in the field of sport science by planning, carrying out and presenting a research study.
Course contents
In the course, the student works independently to plan and conduct a scientific study relevant to the field of sport science.
The process includes: specification of the problem and selection techniques, information searching and material collection, analysis and structuring of empirical material, functional and credible connections and relationships between theory and method, and professional reporting in the form of a written thesis.
The course concludes with the student defending their work and opposing another student's work. In addition, the student must present their work externally.
The project can be carried out individually or in pairs.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
1. identify and formulate researchable issues relevant to the field of sport science
2. account for, analyse and review current research, key fields of knowledge and development in the field of sport science
3. justify the choice of, and apply, appropriate theories and methods
4. delimit, design, implement and report a qualified and comprehensive research task and, in connection with this, discuss relevant scientific, societal and ethical aspects
5. oppose another student’s work
6. present and discuss the research study in an external, sport science-related setting
Learning activities
The course contains a variety of forms of work, such as lectures, guest lectures, seminars, group exercises, study visits and self-study. Those parts of the course that require compulsory attendance are indicated by the course leader at the start of the course.
The course is examined through:
Test 1: An independently completed and defended thesis. In this, learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are examined.
Test 2: Opposition to another student’s thesis. Learning outcome 5.
Test 3: An oral presentation of the work to an external party. Learning outcome 6.
Grading criteria are presented by the course leader at the start of the course.
Course literature and other study material
Decided in consultation with the supervisor
Course evaluation
The university gives students who participate in or have completed a course, an opportunity to present their experiences and views on the course through a course evaluation organised by the university. The university compiles the results of these evaluations, and publishes the results and any decisions about measures that come from them. These results are made available to the students (HF: 1:14).