Course syllabus autumn 2022
Course syllabus autumn 2022
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Research Methodologies and Research Design
Swedish title
Högskolepedagogik: Forskningsmetoder och forskningsdesign
Course code
7.5 credits
Grading scale
UV / Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Education and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
Prerequisite course for this course is: HP705E Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Thesis I
Advanced level
Main field
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Progression level
Course objectives
The students will develop in-depth knowledge of appropriate research methods, their ability to select, evaluate and apply these methods, as well as their skills of analysing data, within teaching and learning in higher education.
Course contents
The course focuses on the application of methods as well as the analysis and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative part of the course focuses on the design of a small study as well as analysis and interpretation of a source material. The quantitative part focuses on the use of statistical knowledge through statistical analyses, as well as interpretation of statistical material. The students will use computer support when analysing qualitative and quantitative data. The course also covers research ethics.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the students will be able to
1. critically equate and analyse methodological approaches and methods relevant to teaching and learning in higher education
2. formulate or revise a research question and propose the choice of research method, with supporting justification
3. use a suitable method for collecting a limited amount of empirical data
4. analyse and interpret a limited amount of qualitative and quantitative data
5. conduct research into ethical reasoning.
Learning activities
The overall pedagogical framework of the course is flexible. The course includes varying working methods that may include teacher-led lectures, group exercises, fieldwork, interviews, independent study using a computer, oral and written presentations, group discussions and plenary discussions. The working methods are developed on the basis of the course objectives and intended learning outcomes, in collaboration between students and course director.
Exam 1: Oral presentation, 3.5 credits, in which learning outcomes 1 and 2 are assessed.
Exam 2: Written text (Paper) 4 credits, in which learning outcomes 3-5 are assessed.
Alternative forms of assessment may be used in consultation with the examiner.
Grading criteria for the course are announced by the course director at the start of the course.
The basis for all assessments shall be such that individual performance can be distinguished.
Course literature
Ritchie, Jane, Lewis, Jane, Nicholls , Carol. M., & Ormston , Rachel. (Eds.). (2013). Qualitative Research Practice : A guide for social science students and researchers. Sage. (421 pp)
Hesse-Biber, Sharlene (2010). Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Practice. Qualitative inquiry, 16(6), 455-468.
Field, L., Andy (2017). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London: Sage (300pp, chosen in consultation with the examiner).
Muijs, Daniel. (2010). Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS. Sage (243 pp).
Other texts based on the student’s specialisation are selected after discussion with the course director.
Course evaluation
The University provides students who are taking or have completed a course with the opportunity to share their experiences of and opinions about the course in the form of a course evaluation that is arranged by the University. The University compiles the course evaluations and notifies the results and any decisions regarding actions brought about by the course evaluations. The results shall be kept available for the students. (HF 1:14).