Master's level
Bachelor's degree (180 credits) or equivalent
No main field of study
A1N / Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
The aim of this course is to develop a wide frame of references when it comes to the conditions of university teaching and learning. The course aims to provide a basis for the development of teacher's didactic and pedagogical knowledge and skills. In addition to the course helps to create contact surfaces over organizational and academic frontier within the university.
This course introduces the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and inquiry based educational development.
Another part of the course deals with the construction of courses and the ways learning outcomes, learning activities, assessment and evaluation, are linked in what is called "constructive alignment" to support students to achieve the learning outcomes.
Different learning activities such as lecture, seminar, the study group and how these can be related to content and learning outcomes are discussed. Part of the course is based on the students' beliefs about what makes a good teacher and different approaches to knowledge and learning are discussed. Further, the course will address the meeting between the instructor/teacher and student/student, individually and in groups in the perspective of a diverse student population.
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- design a course or a course element that relates to the concept of constructive alignment.
- develop strategies to meet and benefit from diversity within student groups.
- relate your own teaching to relevant governing and policy documents.
- describe and argue for a course design based on scientific grounding and proven experience.
The studies take place both individually and in groups, and are based on peer feedback and review. Malmö University's learning platform as wel as third party tools are used and most of the course work will be online. Working methods vary between lectures, literature studies, seminars and discussions.
In an individual written exam, the student designs a plan for a course or a course module that describes and justifies the selections of learning objectives, working methods and forms of assessment.
Biggs, John & Tang, Catherine (2007). Teaching for quality learning at university. What the student does. (tredje upplagan). Maidenhead: Open University Press. (sidor väljs i samråd med examinator)
Brandén, Henrik (2022). Lärande, undervisning och arbete inom högre utbildning. Stockholm: Sanoma utbildning. (sidor väljs i samråd med examinator)
Casson, Andrew (2015). Högskolans ansvar - Principer för utveckling av den högre utbildning. London: Ubiquity Press. (209 sidor)
Elmgren, Maja & Henriksson, Ann-Sofie. (2010). Universitetspedagogik. Stockholm: Norstedts. (sidor väljs i samråd med examinator)
Handal, Gunnar (1999). Kritiske venner: bruk av interkollegial kritik innen universiteten. Nying. Rapport nr 9. Linköping: Institutionen för systemteknik Univ. (12 sidor)
Kreber, Caroline (2002). Teaching Excellence, Teaching Expertise, and the Scholarship of Teaching. Innovative Higher Education. Vol. 27, No. 1, 5–23.
Stigmar, Martin (red.) (2009). Högskolepedagogik. Stockholm: Liber. (sidor väljs i samråd med examinator)
Sveriges förenade studentkårer (2013). Studentens lärande i centrum: Sveriges förenade studentkårer om pedagogik i högskolan. Stockholm: Sveriges förenade studentkårer. Tillgänglig på internet. (36 sidor)
Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).
If a course is no longer offered, or has undergone significant changes, the students must be offered two opportunities for re-examination based on the syllabus that applied at the time of registration, for a period of one year after the changes have been implemented.
If a student has a Learning support decision, the examiner has the right to provide the student with an adapted test, or to allow the student to take the exam in a different format. The syllabus is a translation of a Swedish source text.