Bachelor's level
International Relations I (IR110L), 30 credits
KSICA / International Relations
G1F / First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
The course is part of the main field International Relations on intermediate level (31-60 credits).
Module 1: The Evolution of the International System (7,5 credits)
The first module focuses on the origin and evolution of the contemporary/modern international system, covering historical events as well as relevant conceptual aspects. The module also focuses on the interplay between economy and politics from a global perspective.
Module 2: Regionalisation in the International System (7,5 credits)
The second module analyses the phenomenon of transnational regionalisation, and how research has tried to understand its emergence, operation, and on-going development. The main themes of the module are different strands of regionalism, the process of regionalization, and regional governance such as the European Union.
Module 3: Research and methods - GPS common method course (7,5 credits)
The aim of the module is to introduce the students to the essentials of methodology and methods in the social sciences and humanities. The module combines a theoretical approach to general questions of research and knowledge, with application to collecting and analysing empirical data. The module prepares the students for the minor thesis that follows immediately after this course.
Module 4: Minor thesis (7,5 credits)
The fourth module is an essay course, where the student shall write an individual minor thesis. This module is organized around group supervision in seminars where students are expected to present and discuss their minor thesis work, and critically discuss other students´ minor thesis work at various stages.
After completing module 1 (The Evolution of the International System) the student shall be able to:
(1) Interpret how the contemporary/modern international order has evolved.
(2) Critically discuss and apply relevant theories on international systems and processes of change in global politics.
(3) Critically discuss and analyse what kinds of historical, political and economic processes influence large-scale changes in global politics.
After completing module 2 (Regionalisation in the International System) the student shall be able to:
(4) Identify and debate how regional actors interact within the international system.
(5) Critically discuss regionalism and apply relevant theories of regionalisation and regional governance.
(6) Give an account of the structure of the European Union and critically discuss the political challenges faced by the EU.
(7) Critically discuss the relationship between globalisation and regionalisation in the international system.
After completing module 3 (Research and methods) the student shall be able to:
(8) Define and apply key methodological concepts in the social sciences and humanities.
(9) Describe and compare different research designs and methods in the social sciences and humanities.
(10) Explain and assess how aim, theory, research design, method and results affect one another in a logically coherent sequence.
(11) Select and apply appropriate research methods to address different research questions.
(12) Carry out small research assignments where method is applied to data.
(13) Assess the academic, social and ethical implications of research in the social sciences and humanities.
After completing module 4 (Minor thesis) the student shall be able to:
(14) Explain and apply intermediate methodological concepts used in the minor thesis.
(15) Gather and analyse information relevant for the subject and account for it in a logical and coherent manner.
(16) Identify problems, motivate and critically discuss theoretical and methodological choices and develop research questions relevant to the academic study of International Relations.
(17) Critically and independently process material in an academic and structured analysis in the minor thesis.
(18) Orally present and discuss their own minor thesis work and give constructive criticism on other students´ minor theses work.
(19) Utilize established academic practices in writing texts and making oral presentations.
Learning activities consist of lectures, seminars, workshops and study group work. In addition to their attendance students are expected to spend substantial time on studying the course literature and in preparation of work for assessment, both independently and in study groups.
A student who has not finished the minor thesis work during the course or has not received a passing grade on the minor thesis work at the end of the course cannot be guaranteed continued supervision.
The student’s performance in module 1 (The Evolution of the International System) is assessed as follows: Intended learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 are assessed through a portfolio exam.
The student’s performance in module 2 (Regionalisation in the International System) is assessed as follows: Intended learning outcomes 4,5, and 6 are assessed through a portfolio exam.
The student´s performance in module 3 (Research and methods) is assessed as follows: Intended learning outcomes, 8-13, are assessed through a research design for the minor thesis project.
The student´s performance in module 4 (Minor thesis) is assessed as follows: Intended learning outcomes 14-18 are assessed through a minor thesis and active participation in seminars.
Intended learning outcome 19 is assessed through all written and oral assignments.
Students shall receive feedback on their work through commentary in seminars. Students who do not pass the regular course assessments have the minimum of two re-sit opportunities based on the same course content and evaluative framework. Students also have the right to take assessments on the same course in future terms according to the same principal. Assessments and re-sits take place in accordance with the dates stated in the course schedule. It is the individual student’s responsibility to inform themselves about where and when a re-sit assessment will take place and to contact the department for registration if this is necessary.
Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).
If a course is no longer offered, or has undergone significant changes, the students must be offered two opportunities for re-examination based on the syllabus that applied at the time of registration, for a period of one year after the changes have been implemented.
If a student has a Learning support decision, the examiner has the right to provide the student with an adapted test, or to allow the student to take the exam in a different format. The syllabus is a translation of a Swedish source text.