Bachelor's level
International Relations I (30 credits) and International Relations II (30 credits)
KSICA / International Relations
G2E / First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree
The course is part of the main field of study International Relations at the 61-90 credit level and meets the degree requirements for the degree of Bachelor, main field of study International Relations.
The general aim of the course is that students should be able to further develop their analytical competence for independent analysis and critical reflection regarding complex issues in the field of International Relations.
The course consists of two modules.
Module 1
Critical Assessment of Selected Literature and the Research Process, 15 credits
This module consists of two interrelated parts.
The first part consists of selecting and critically assessing of the relevant literature for the thesis in module 2 together with a supervisor. The main learning activities are self-study, independent critical reflection, and group discussions.
The second part consists in selecting the appropriate method for the thesis in module 2. This part of the module builds on the IR II methods module. The learning activities focus on the following main areas: (1) philosophy of science in relation to concrete research in International Relations; (2) the interrelationship between the different elements of the scientific research process; and (3) the aspect of critical self-reflection in International Relations research. The module requires self-study of literature, and student participation in seminars and lectures. It is examined through written assignments.
Module 2
*Bachelor Thesis,*15 credits
This module consists of individual thesis work (15 credits). The student chooses his/her thesis subject in collaboration with a supervisor. The learning activities of the module include design of a research plan, text seminars, supervision, and examination seminar.
Module 1. Critical Assessment of Selected Literature and the Research Process, 15 credits
After finishing the module, the student can
1. Identify and critically assess the relevant literature and scientific discussion of a selected field of IR study.
2. Define, analyse and compare the key epistemological, ontological and methodological positions, relevant for the planned thesis.
3. Pose relevant scientific research questions and critically argue for methodological and theoretical choices.
4. Identify and describe the elements of the scientific research process – research question, theory, method, material, analysis and results – and discuss and clarify their relation to one another.
Module 2. Bachelor Thesis, 15 credits
After finishing the module, the student can
5. Identify research problems, and independently articulate the purpose and research questions relevant to the subject.
6. Identify, correctly describe, critically discuss and articulate the relevant theory and methodology in relation to previous research.
7. Critically process material in an independent and structured scientific analysis and locate your contribution in relation to the scientific debate.
8. Produce an academic thesis demonstrating a good command of language and with a correct and consistent referencing system.
9. Orally present, defend and discuss the student’s thesis and give constructive criticism on other theses.
After completing the course International relations 61-90, the student shall be able to:
10. Utilise established academic practices in writing texts and making oral presentations, particularly in relation to structure, clarity, public and graphic presentation and the referencing of sources
Teaching takes place as lectures, seminars and workshops. In addition to their attendance students are also expected to spend substantial time on studying the selected literature and in preparation of work for assessment.
A student who has not finished the project work during the course, or has not received a passing grade on the project work at the end of the course cannot be guaranteed continued supervision.
The student’s performance in module 1(Critical Assessment of Selected Literature and the Research Process) is assessed as follows:
Intended learning outcomes 1-4 are assessed through individual written assignments.
The student’s performance in module 2 (Bachelor Thesis) is assessed as follows:
Intended learning outcomes 5-9 are assessed through the student’s thesis, the student’s oral defence of his/her submitted thesis and comments on another student’s thesis.
Intended learning outcome 10 is assessed through all written and oral assignments in IR 61-90.
Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).
If a course is no longer offered, or has undergone significant changes, the students must be offered two opportunities for re-examination based on the syllabus that applied at the time of registration, for a period of one year after the changes have been implemented.
If a student has a Learning support decision, the examiner has the right to provide the student with an adapted test, or to allow the student to take the exam in a different format.
The syllabus is a translation of a Swedish source text.