Course syllabus spring 2023
Course syllabus spring 2023
English Writing and Presentation Skills for University Studies
Swedish title
Engelska skriv- och presentationsfärdigheter för universitetsstudier
Course code
15 credits
Grading scale
UV / Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Education and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
General entry requirements
Basic level
No main field.
Progression level
Progression level in relation to degree requirements
The course can normally be included in a general degree at the undergraduate level but not as part of English as a major.
Course objectives
The aim of the course is for the student to develop knowledge in and understanding of the English academic language by developing the ability to communicate both in writing and orally in a way that is adapted for academic studies.
Course contents
The course focuses on the structures and features of the academic genre by the student writing and analyzing essays and giving presentations.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student can:
1. write their own and analyze other students' academic texts based on argumentation, style and structure
2. conduct oral presentations within the academic genre
Learning activities
The course contains various forms of work such as lectures, writing exercises with supervision and peer response, group work, independent written work, and workshops on oral presentations.
Exam 1: Writing Portfolio and Written Paper, 10 credits. This exam assesses learning outcome 1.
Exam 2: Oral Presentation, 5 credits. This exam assesses learning outcome 2.
In order to receive the grade VG as the final course grade, the grade VG must be achieved on both the exams.
Grading criteria for the course are announced by the course leader at the start of the course.
For all assessments, the basis must be such that individual performance can be distinguished.
Course literature
Mapels, Wendy & Redman, Peter (2017). Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide. London: Sage Publications. (184 pages)
Van Emden, Joan & Becker, Lucinda (2016). Presentation Skills for Students. London: Macmillian Education. (170 pages)
Supplementary material provided by the course leader (max. 100 pages) will be added.
Course evaluation
The university provides all students who are participating in, or have completed, a course to express their experiences and views on the course through a course evaluation which is organized at the end of the course. The university will collate the course evaluations and provide information about their results and any actions prompted by them. The results shall be made available to the students. (HF 1:14).
Interim rules
When a course is no longer given, or the contents have been radically changed, the student has the right to re-take the examination, which will be given twice during a one year period, according to the syllabus which was valid at the time of registration.
Additional information
This English text was translated from the original Swedish syllabus.
If a student has a decision on special educational support, the examiner has the right to give an adapted test or let the student complete the test in an alternative way.