Course syllabus spring 2027
Course syllabus spring 2027
Interaction Design: Studio II
Swedish title
Interaktionsdesign: Studio II
Course code
15 credits
Grading scale
UG / Fail (U) or Pass (G)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Culture and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
General entry requirements + English 6
At least 45 credits in the main field of Interaction Design
Basic level
Main field
Interaction Design
Progression level
Progression level in relation to degree requirements
The course is included in the main field of Interaction design and can be included in the degree requirements for a bachelor's degree in Interaction design.
Course objectives
The purpose of this course is to allow students to independently frame and execute an interaction design project, drawing upon the skills and knowledge from the first two years of the programme. The mode of working and learning objectives are modelled on the exam thesis and a progression from a similar course in the first year.
Course contents
In this course, students individually frame, plan, execute and account for an interaction design project. Students might draw upon earlier experiences in the programme, or engage with a contemporary research topic. Through the project, students build knowledge through design activities, engaging with literature and relevant stakeholders. Advisors will help students navigate the complexity of the projects, which culminates in a report modelled on the exam thesis and open exhibition.
In addition to working on a major project, lectures will be given in support of designerly modes of research, engaging with literature, and on contemporary research themes where appropriate.
Learning outcomes
- Independently establish a framing of an interaction design problem through engagement in the design situation and relevant literature
- Engage with stakeholders relevant to the design situation constructively and ethically
- Draw out and communicate insights from the project in a scholarly format, including proper referencing, citing and quoting
- Contextualise and show the relevancy of the work and its findings for interaction design
- Critically reflect on the work, identifying its limitations and the opportunity for future work
- Engage relevant stakeholders in dialogue around the framing of the project, the reasoning of decisions made in the project and its outcome
Learning activities
Lectures, advising, technical workshops and peer critiques.
- Report. A long-form scholarly report of 6,000-9,000 words (HP 10; LOs 1-6)
- Exhibition & defence. Students produce artifacts and materials which communicate their work and engage with stakeholders beyond the university and further defend their work in an oral format (HP 5; LOs 4-6).
For re-examination of production assignments, certain circumstances apply since the examination of these assignments are dependent on student participation during certain periods of time and in specific projects. Re-examination will be given according to the student’s rights, but with adjustments to the specific assignment since it can not be conducted in the same context as the ordinary examination.
Course literature
Due to the independent nature of the projects, students will be expected to locate and make use of additional literature.
- Muratovski, G. (2016) Research for Designers. SAGE Publications.
- Koskinen, I., Redström, J., Zimmerman, J., Wensveen, S. and Binder T. (2011) Design Research Through Practice: From the Lab, Field, and Showroom. Morgan Kaufmann.
- Warburton, N. (2007). The Basics of Essay Writing. Routledge.
Course evaluation
The University provides all students who are participating in, or have completed, a course to express their experiences and views on the course through a course evaluation which is organized at the end of the course. The university will collate the course evaluations and provide information about their results and any actions prompted by them. The results shall be made available to the students. (HF 1:14).
Interim rules
When a course is no longer given, or the contents have been radically changed, the student has the right to re-take the examination, which will be given twice during a one-year period, according to the syllabus which was valid at the time of registration.
Additional information
The language of instruction is English.