Course syllabus spring 2026
Course syllabus spring 2026
Sport Sciences: One-year Master's Thesis
Swedish title
Sport Sciences: One-year Master's Thesis
Course code
15 credits
Grading scale
UA / Excellent (A), Very Good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Pass (E) or Fail (U)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Education and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
Prerequisite course for this course is: IV606G Research Methods in Sport Sciences
Advanced level
Main field
Sport Sciences
Progression level
Course objectives
The course aims to deepen the student´s ability to
plan, implement and present the results of a scientific
investigation. Furthermore, the course aims to develop the student´s
ability to apply method and theory, as well as to critically
evaluate research in the field.
Course contents
In the course, the student works independently to plan and
conduct sport science research. All parts of the research process are addressed in the course, such as: developing a research question, writing a literature review, selecting appropriate methods, conducting data collection, conducting analysis and drawing conclusions and present the research in thesis format. The course consists of supervision sessions and seminars.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
- identify and formulate researchable questions relevant to the field of sport science,
- account for and critically review current research in the field of sport science,
- justify the chosen theory and methodology, as well as apply these in own research,
- discuss the development and results of their own research on the basis of relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects, and communicate and defend their own work and act as an opponent on another student´s work.
Learning activities
The course contains varied work formats that can consist of seminars, group exercises and self-study. The sessions that require compulsory attendance are announced at the start of the course.
The course is examined through a scientific thesis where the student demonstrates that they have acquired the knowledge indicated in the learning outcomes. In a final seminar, the student's ability to defend their work and to oppose another's work is assessed.
The grading criterion are announced by the course leader at the start of the course.
Course literature
Determined in consultation with the supervisor.
Course evaluation
Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).
Interim rules
If a course is no longer offered, or has undergone significant changes, the students must be offered two opportunities for re-examination based on the syllabus that applied at the time of registration, for a period of one year after the changes have been implemented.
Additional information
If a student has a Learning support decision, the examiner has the right to provide the student with an adapted test, or to allow the student to take the exam in a different format. The syllabus is a translation of a Swedish source text.