Course syllabus spring 2017
Course syllabus spring 2017
Gender and Sports I
Swedish title
Gender and Sports I
Course code
7.5 credits
Grading scale
UA / Excellent (A), Very Good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Pass (E) or Fail (U)
Language of instruction
Decision-making body
Faculty of Education and Society
Syllabus approval date
Syllabus valid from
Entry requirements
The special prerequisite for this course, besides basic eligibility for university studies, is fieldeligibility 6: Civics A and English B. Applicants are exempted from the Civic A requirement
Basic level
No main field.
Progression level
Progression level in relation to degree requirements
Single subject course.
Course objectives
The purpose of this course is that the students will develop and enter deeply their knowledge on women and sports as well as gender from an international perspective.
Course contents
During the first part of the course women’s participation in sports activites in history and in contemporary society are studied from a structural perspective. During the second half of the course the student will concentrate on sportsman`s or woman´s destiny, in order to analyze the destiny placed in a gendered sports regime. The course will be concluded by the student writing an essay analyzing an individual life experience from a structural perspective.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student will be able to
- describe women’s participation and sports activities making international comparisons
- describe research on women and sports
- discuss an individual destiny in relation to the structures in society
- write a shorter essay
Learning activities
The course consists of web based learning activities and the language of instruction is English.
All the learning outcomes will be examined individually and in three written examinations.
The criteria for Pass and Pass with Distinction are clarified by the examiner at the start of the course.
Course literature and other study material
Compulsory literature
Benn, Tansin; Pfister, Gertrud and Haifaa Jawad (2011), Muslim women and sports. London: Routledge. English xvii, 278 p.
Hargreaves, Jennifer (2000), Heroines of sport. The politics of difference and identity. London: Routledge. English 284 p.
Hartman-Tews, Ilse & Pfister, Gertrud (2003), Sport and women. Social issues in international perspective. London; Routledge, English 288 p.
One biography of a sportswomen or sportsman
Course evaluation
Students are given opportunities to influence course content through continual reflections on the course content and methods. The course ends with an individual, written evaluation based on the course purpose and learning outcomes. This evaluation is used as a starting point for an oral evaluation at the end of the course.