Master's level
First-cycle degree or equivalent
No main field of study
A1N / Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
The course is part of the qualifying programme of 15 credits at Malmö University. The course can be supplemented with other courses in higher education pedagogy in order to qualify for a teacher’s profession (15 credits at Malmö University).
The course participants will develop a content-rich and broad frame of reference on what research-based education and learning can involve. The aim is also to provide a basis for the development of the participants’ own teaching practice that develops the students' critical approach.
The course deals with research-based education from different perspectives, e.g., the multidisciplinary contexts that the course participants represent. The course is partly based on the participants' experiences of students' and colleagues' views on research. It addresses pedagogical applications based on the course participants' experiences connected to scientific research methods. Different types of student-centred forms of learning will be analysed. The starting point in the different course components are the courses that the participants teach, and how the components of these courses can be improved.
On completing the course, the course participants should be able to:
- provide different perspectives on knowledge use and production in relation to different scholarly disciplines and to learning
- describe the requirements and conditions for teachers and students to carry out research-based studies in a multidisciplinary teaching environment
- give examples of how research can be used, based on one's own field of knowledge
- present and support research-based pedagogical models that support and develop students' learning.
Lectures are given on completed pedagogical projects and to describe different approaches to using research. Literature studies are followed by seminars and discussions where the course participants' previous experiences are also highlighted.
Examination assignments are written individually but discussed and defended in groups. Participants will use the library's various resources as well as Malmö University's electronic learning platform.
Examination takes place through assessment of individually designed written essays, in which all intended learning outcomes are assessed. The thesis is defended orally at a final seminar. In addition, learning outcome 4 is assessed through the design of a digital poster and oral presentation of the poster. Assessment criteria for each examination are presented in more detail in the study guide.
Benner, M. & Widmalm S. (2011*) Kunskap*. Malmö: Liber (frivillig bakgrundslitteratur)
Franke-Wikberg,S., Lindberg, L., Mårtensson, B., Sundin,B., Sundström T. & Sörlin S. (red). (1994) Vetandets vägar. Lund: Studentlitteratur (frivillig bakgrundslitteratur)
Geschwind, L. (2008) För kvalitetens skull: en studie av sambandet mellan forskning och utbildning, Stockholm: SISTER
Healy, M. & Jenkins, A. (2009). Developing undergraduate research and enquiry. York: Higher Educatiuon Academy
Säljö, R. & Södling, M. (2006). Utbildning på vetenskaplig grund [Elektronisk resurs] : röster från fältet. Stockholm: Högskoleverket.
Vetenskapliga artiklar och annat studiematerial tillkommer.
Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).
If a course is no longer offered, or has undergone significant changes, the students must be offered two opportunities for re-examination based on the syllabus that applied at the time of registration, for a period of one year after the changes have been implemented. The syllabus is a translation of a Swedish source text.
If a student has a Learning support decision, the examiner has the right to provide the student with an adapted test, or to allow the student to take the exam in a different format. The syllabus is a translation of a Swedish source text.
Swedish title: Perspektiv på forskningsbaserat lärande i högskoleutbildning